Couples Therapy


1938419236Living on a razor’s edge…

You both are.

The unrelenting demands of your dual-career partnership have you juggling your jobs, household tasks, and parenting responsibilities.

There is no room for error… nor a spare second just to BREATHE.

When time and energy are at an all-time premium…

Personal pursuits and quality time together as a couple come in last place.

In the shadows, a sense of disconnection has been growing.

Communication has started to fray.

And the spark that had initially ignited your relationship has started to dim.

How does anyone make a marriage like this work??

2173094015The complexities of a dual-career relationship…

Balancing demanding work schedules with quality family time…

Deciding whose career takes precedence in certain situations…

Maintaining a well-functioning household…

Finding time and energy for open, effective communication…

Navigating an effective parenting structure…

Striking the right balance is no small feat, and there are no “rule books” and few models for how to do it.

But it can be done!

Couples in which both partners are actively pursuing their professional ambitions are becoming more the norm than the exception, but only in recent decades. As a result, there’s no pre-existing roadmap for how to successfully chart the course of maintaining a thriving marriage while managing two demanding careers.

But having worked with dual-career marriages and households for years, I have a blueprint for your success!

Our work together will always be customized to your unique relationship, needs, and circumstances, but there are common steps we can take to foster a healthier, more connected, stronger partnership:

514951309Designing a shared vision…

We’ll clearly define your collective goals and aspirations, ensuring you and your partner are on the same page about career trajectories and desired lifestyles. Couples can navigate their careers in tandem, supporting each other’s ambitions while maintaining their own.

Enhancing communication…

The demands of careers and family life can create barriers to effective dialogue. Better communication results in fewer misunderstandings, less conflict, and a deeper emotional connection.

Improving conflict resolution…

We’ll equip both of you with practical conflict resolution strategies tailored to your unique dynamics. When you can navigate disputes effectively, you arrive at a healthier, more harmonious relationship.

Rediscovering intimacy…

Busy careers and parenting demands can lead to a decline in physical and emotional intimacy. Rediscovering intimacy can enhance satisfaction and strengthen the bond between partners.

Stress management…

The pressures of demanding careers can take a toll on your well-being as a couple. Improved stress management leads to a more balanced and fulfilling life for everyone.

Future-proofing your relationship…

Let’s address potential issues before they escalate into major crises. When you proactively tackle challenges, you get a more resilient, lasting relationship.

“[Couples therapy is] like having a $3 billion satellite giving you expert directions for navigating L.A. traffic. [Dr. Henry] helped us know exactly where and when to turn.”

That’s what one of my couples said about their experience.

It can work for you, too.

Therapy designed for dual-career couples can be nothing short of transformative.

Your home is your castle, and your marriage can be your sanctuary. Let’s build it well.

You can start your journey today. Reach out today for a free consultation.